Sunday, February 7, 2010


Elsa and Jonas had a really solid week. Elsa had another swallow study this past week that indicated that she still has a little trouble with liquids. Overall, she is doing good and we all had a great time this weekend. We spent most of the weekend napping or playing...both kids have found a new turbo gear for crawling that has added an element to the supervision aspect.

Today, Elsa and Jonas took extra long "Super" baths to get ready for the big game. They splashed and laughed the entire time. It was great! An hour or so later, they were both covered with yogurt!

We watched an episode of the "19 kids and counting" worries we are very happy with two...this past week. The family had their 18th baby at 24 weeks this past december. The episode hit really close to home. The dad made a comment right before his wife gave birth to their daughter via an emergency c-section that we praise God in the good times and we praise him in the bad times. Their baby was born at 1 pound 6 ounces. There are few times when we can actually say, "I know exactly how you are feeling..." but watching that snippet of their life we had flashbacks to our last year and the rollercoaster of emotions that went with it. Needless to say, we are keeping that family in our prayers in the months ahead. We looked online for an update and saw that their daughter was off the ventilator for the past two was such a huge victory for both Elsa and Jonas when they reached that point...I've, almost, forgotten what a drager is.

Praise God,

Mari & Jonas & Elsa & Dan


  1. Hi folksies, You are giving us all great insights into the precious interplay and growth of twins. It is no wonder that they continue to be so close to each other in adulthood. This is another video clip for the textbooks.

    Happy Valentines Day. Cheers, D&D

  2. The video is hilarious!! Thank you for posting it; rarely do I laugh OUT LOUD -- at work - before noon. Those kids are absolute treasures.

  3. LOVE the video Dan! Thanks for posting. This is such a fun age as they start to discover their world together.


  4. JONAS! Stop picking on your sister!!! :)
