Sunday, April 25, 2010

Our first shoes ever!


Friday was a big day for Jonas and Elsa. They had their follow-up eye exams to determine if they would need glasses or contacts. They both are a bit far-sighted but otherwise their vision seems okay to the doctor. This is such great news given that preemies can sometimes have significant sight loss.

Elsa's cataracts, the small white dots you might notice in each eye in some of the pictures, continue to be monitored by the doctor. He wants us to have Elsa evaluated by the regional expert that could perform surgery if needed. We are really pleased to get another opinion on this as more information is always better in our book. In a nutshell, if the specialist determines that surgery is required, a small possibility, then the lens of each eye would be removed, the cataracts would be removed, and then a corrective contact lens would be worn on each eye until she is old enough to have a lens surgically implanted (late teens). The more likely scenario would be to continue to monitor the cataracts for the foreseeable future and determine at a later date if surgery is needed.

After that appointment we were off for shoe shopping for the twins. Their first shoes! It was quite a fun trip and both kids are now proud owners of supportive yet flexible shoes. Nordstroms hooked them both up with their first balloons as well. To be honest, the kids were more excited about the balloons.

We have about two weeks until we meet with the GI specialist to make decisions about Elsa and a G-tube. Her feeding has continued to be really strong over the past three to four weeks and we are hopeful, but realistic, that she may have put on some good weight this month.

Overall, the kids are happy and playing and smiling a lot! Can't beat that!

God Bless,

Mari & Elsa & Jonas & Dan

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Steps and another tooth!


We have spent the past week trying to not make Elsa's weight gain the focus of every conversation and thought. Mari is a bit better at this than Dan...Dan tried to weigh her with the nintendo wii balance board the other night to no avail. All in all, Elsa continue to have really good numbers. Will they be enough...we will find out in a couple of weeks. She continues to hit the mid 700's with her bottle and has three small solid meals throughout the day. She takes it all in stride and is her usual fun loving self.

Elsa and Jonas have now both taken independent steps. They are stringing three or four together before they crash. It won't be long!

Jonas has another tooth. His top right front tooth has started to descend. We think he is going to love being able to chomp into food.

The kids went for a long walk today in the sun and loved it. What a blessing!
Pictures: Jonas and his walking toy; Elsa being goofy; Elsa playing patty-cake; two ducklings; Jonas and an open drawer; Jonas wrestling stuffed rabbits; Elsa full; Elsa blowing a kiss.

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The biggest gainer...

We had such a wonderful Easter relaxing and rejoicing last week. This week we were back into the routine of doctors' appointments. We met with the GI specialist again. Last time he felt strongly that Elsa was not a candidate for a g-tube to supplement her feeding. Based on her weight gain for the past month though he has decided that a g-tube might be the way to go. We are taking the month of April to see if Elsa can get her weight gain in to the rate of 12 to 18 ounces per month. This was a bit of disappointing news but we are hopeful that whatever outcome that Elsa gets stronger and stronger. A g-tube is typically placed in the stomach and stays in for one to five years. It is rather razzle dazzle and doesn't interfere with her normal eating, it is just a way to supplement the extra calories she needs during the night.

That being said...We are realistic but ever hopeful that Elsa is going to kick it up a notch this month. In past weeks and months, Elsa typically was eating 600-650 (1ml = 1 calorie) ml of milk each day with some solid foods. We attributed the low numbers to her slow stomach emptying and the never ending teething she had been enduring. Last week her top front teeth emerged quite a bit and she has been a different kiddo eating. She crested the 700 mark at the start of the week and broke through to the 850 mark yesterday. She should be hitting 850 each day between a combination of her milk and solid foods. Needless to say we want to be realistic that if she isn't gaining the weight she needs then we need to seriously consider the g-tube. But we are ever so hopeful that the visit with the GI doctor sparked a ravenous hunger in her. As fans of the biggest loser on television, we hope that when she goes on the scale next month that she is the biggest gainer!
We are praying for Elsa to eat and eat and eat.

God Bless,

Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Rejoice! Happy Easter!


We celebrated our first Easter at home as a family. It was quite a special day. Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Paul joined us for a feast in celebration of Easter.

Jonas and Elsa were dressed up in their finest and had a blast. Elsa has started giving the 'stink eye' to everyone, including mom and dad, when she is irritated. She practiced this several times today:). She is also clapping her hands when we sing "if you are happy and you know it...". The video catches a moment or two of them clapping--it isn't the best--they are a bit camera shy:)

Jonas and Elsa are also practicing walking behind a toy cart. They started taking tenative steps behind it on Friday and are now whizzing through the room behind it. It won't be long....

It was a special Easter and we have much to be thankful for.

He is not here, but has risen! Luke 24:5.

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Thursday, April 1, 2010



We just returned from the zoo...(and a physical therapy meeting that ended with us getting two thumbs up from the therapist). Jonas and Elsa seemed to have a good time and saw lots of creatures big and small! The rain eventually got to us and we called it an afternoon after visiting the aquarium, elephants, porcupines, and several other animals and fish. Great times!

Today is also one year based on due date. Happy Birthday Jonas and Elsa! Let's eat some cake!

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas