Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and an almost Happy New Year to everyone!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year.  The entire family attended Christmas Eve service at our church and then fought off the yawns until finally we fell asleep.  We luckily left out cookies and milk for santa claus before we got too tired.  Whew!  Santa arrived and left just a few crumbs of the cookies, in addition, to several wonderful presents for Jonas and Elsa.

Elsa has discovered that she really wants to be a doctor.  She now has a doctor coat and various doctor instruments...and is keeping the host of toy babies in great health.  She takes temperatures and prescribes the necessary medicines or bedside care to ensure fast recoveries. 

Jonas is becoming a master builder of lego and thomas the train tracks.  It is really cool to see him and Elsa create tracks or cars from lego bricks. 

Elsa and Jonas have also taken to playing pirates!  Our couch serves as the ship and our living room floor as the ocean for various adventures.  The occasional shark has been spotted when our ship sinks but so far no pirates have been lost.

We also spent a day at the Washington State History Museum's annual train festival.  Miniature train sets were set up all over the museum.  It was amazing.  Jonas and Elsa and their birthday twin, Joshua (and his little sister too), had a great time checking out all the sets.  It was a lot of fun and we topped it off by coming back home and making tracks with Thomas.  A great day!

It has been a true joy to have the gift of time to play and play and play.  We hope the new year brings lots more laughs and love!

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Thursday, December 20, 2012

And a big welcome to the four year olds!


Mari and Dan have received their four year diplomas in infants and preemies and are excited to announce they are moving on to graduate work in advanced toddler care.  Yippee!  It is has been four years since Twin a and b made a rather early entrance.  It has been a wonder and a joy.

We celebrated J and E's birthday at a jumpy house facility.  There were several large inflatable toys for us to bounce, jump, and fall in.  Everyone worked hard to earn a slice of decadent cake later that had been hand crafted by Mari...a pink cake for Elsa and a blue cake for Jonas. 

It was a great day and everyone slept well that night.  The adults were sore the next day from all the jumpy house exercise.

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Making Cookies


Jonas and Elsa had a great week at school.  They learned all about the letter J this week!  Jonas was very thrilled.  They baked cookies at home and helped with all the delicious frosting.  Their birthdays are almost here and they are sooooo excited! 

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jack and Jill

Jonas and Elsa had another great week.  They are loving school and learning lots.  It is always amazing to hear them use a new word they learned at school or sound out letters that they see.   Everyday it seems like they are learning something new! 

Elsa and Jonas are getting increasingly excited about their upcoming birthdays.  They are very aware that they are almost here!

Jonas helped Dan put up the Christmas lights!  Go Jonas and Dan!
God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas