Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas and Boxing Day!

Greetings!  Wow what an amazing week.  Jonas and Elsa loved Christmas and really had a lot of fun.  So many gifts, so many good times with family (and a get together or two still to come!), Elsa and Jonas just couldn't believe it.  We couldn't believe it either--it was a whirl wind of anticipatory activity followed up with lots of wonderment and joy for our kids. One of the highlights was a horse (big truck) drawn carriage that took us around Grandma Jeanne and Grandpa Paul's neighborhood caroling.  It was cold but we warmed up the night with some great singing!

Elsa was in hog/kitty heaven this Christmas with lots of new animals to add to her menagerie.  She has at least eight stuffed animals and other varieties on the table as we type that watched her eat her lunch today.  She can't leave any animals behind.  Elsa also had a nice holiday week of eating new foods and actually putting quite a bit away occasionally.  This is always of high interest to us because we want to keep filling her up so she puts on weight.  She really enjoyed Uncle Karl's deep fried cheese-sticks and we are hopeful that trend continues.  She also, much to the chagrin of one parent, has taken a liking to eating butter.  Whatever works!  Elsa has taken a real keen interest in singing and belted out several notes after everyone else was done at the Christmas Eve service at our church!  We couldn't be prouder!  She also loves We Three Kings and is really good at the chorus. 

Jonas, the mechanic, welcomed all sorts of trucks, trains, cars, motorized vehicles into the fold this holiday.  His Thomas the train track has expanded and with the help of several adults made an epic track for his trains.  The picture of the track is not to boast--it is there in case we take it apart and have to remember how to put it back together.  Santa left Jonas a lego garbage truck and he has been inseparable from it.  We are not sure if Santa meant this for Jonas or for Dan but both seemed to derive equal enjoyment from it.  Jonas also did really well at his sleep study.   He and Mari spent the night at Mary Bridge and Jonas had all sorts of monitors hooked up to him to see how he slept.  We won't hear for several weeks any outcomes, but Jonas received several compliments about being one of the best pediatric patients ever at the hospital.  Good job Jonas!

It has been a Christmas break filled with tons of fun, laughter, songs, occasional crying, and great family times for all.  Let's hit rewind and do it all again!  We wouldn't change a moment (except the crying sometimes).

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa is on his way!

Greetings!  Ho, ho ho!  Merry Christmas (Almost).  Jonas and Elsa had a great week of festivities.  They loved all of their amazing gifts from friends and family near and from far away.  This week we took Jonas and Elsa to a community theater production of "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".  They sat attentively the entire performance just taking it all in and had a great time.  We both commented on the way out that this was something we couldn't have done last year.  We are so proud of Jonas and Elsa and how they have grown and gotten stronger. 

At dinner last night, we sat near Santa Claus.  Elsa kept waving and saying loudly, "Hi Santa!".  It was great to see her be so outgoing and into it.  And wouldn't you know it, Santa Claus visited our house today.  Last year, Jonas ran away and Elsa kept saying, "oh no oh no oh no".  We are happy to report that it went much better this year.

As always, we are humbled by our amazing kids and how incredible strong they are.

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jonas and Elsa!  We had a wonderful time this weekend celebrating Jonas and Elsa's third birthday!  Friends and family came over and helped us eat cupcakes and celebrate!  It was a special day and Jonas and Elsa had a blast.  They could hardly sleep after the party and they were so excited at all the amazing gifts and all the fun that we had at the party. It is amazing to think that it has already been three years! 

We are resting up the rest of the weekend and dutifully eating cupcakes each chance we get. 

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The most wonderful time of the year!

Greetings!  I feel like this has been the "Lysne Cold Season Update Blog 2011".  We have been either getting better or catching something new!  This week has been no different.  Elsa had a high fever at the start of the weekend and is now battled back to health.  Jonas just returned home from the doctor and has a double ear infection.  He is now on medication and will hopefully feel better soon!

We met with Jonas and Elsa's GI doctor to check on weight gain.  He was a little concerned that Elsa has dropped from the 10th percentile to the 4th percentile.  We share his concern but given that she has transitioned so well to day care and tons of changes in the past three months we are cautiously optimistic that this is a minor blip on the radar and we can get her plumped right back up.  Jonas fell asleep during the appointment and the doctor was concerned that his breathing sounded really congested.  He prescribed some nasal spray to help the situation and will continue to monitor it  Overall, it was a good appointment and we are happy with how strong Elsa and Jonas are!

We also received the detailed report back on their assessment from the school district.  As reported earlier, they did not qualify for special services at this time because they were right where they needed to be.  Great job guys!  This is a wonderful time of the year!  Good news and strong kids that can deal with colds and ear aches are such a blessing!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Jonas and Elsa's friend Joshua's 3rd birthday party.  He shares their birthday and it was a joy to be with such good friends to celebrate!  It was a Thomas the Train themed party and Jonas was in hog heaven!

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for!  It has been a great year and Jonas and Elsa continue to thrive!

We have third birthdays coming up for Elsa and Jonas!  Time flies and it is amazing to think back that it was just three years ago we were driving through the blustery snow to get to the hospital!

Grandpa Harold visited with Elsa and Jonas this week.  They were really excited to see him and so thankful for the wonderful birthday gifts!

We have so much to give thanks for we had to have two thanksgivings this year!  What a great problem to have! It was wonderful to spend time with family and eat turkey.  Gobble Gobble.

As per our custom, we went Christmas tree hunting on Friday.  Jonas helped cut the tree down.  We are hopeful that Elsa does not manage to pull the tree down over the next four weeks.

Great days ahead and we can't wait!
God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Let it snow (just a little bit)

It snowed a little bit yesterday and Jonas and Elsa were quite impressed with it.  They made hand-prints in the snow and were loving catching the snow in their hands.  We love the snow too because it always reminds us of when Elsa and Jonas were born! 

This week, everyone (except Dan with a relapse of pink-eye) was healthy and full of energy.  Jonas and Elsa's school had several great art projects for them this week but the one the teacher was most impressed with was their no bake pumpkin pie.  Elsa apparently loved eating her creation!

Jonas has been announcing a lot recently that Elsa's birthday is almost here.  We think he is starting to catch on that if it is her birthday it is also his birthday! 

It was a great week and we had a great time going to the Yule Boutique at Pacific Lutheran.  It was wonderful to run into so many people that we know that care a lot about how Jonas and Elsa are doing!

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Three out of four sick is not a good ratio

There is a reason that there are no pictures this week. 

Monday morning Mari noticed some redness in Jonas's eyes.  She took him in to the doctor and he was the first to fall.  Pink eye for the Jonas!  Lots of ointment this week for Jonas.  He was not a big fan of this.  He would squirm and fight and reluctantly allow us to give him his treatment.  We are proud to report that he appears to be pink eye free!  Overall, he had a lot of fun this week playing with Grandma Jeanne!

Monday afternoon Dan decided that he should get the redness in his eye checked out.  "Congratulations, you have pink eye."  Not the best words to hear from a doctor but eye drops were quickly prescribed.  Later that evening, a fever struck Dan and took him out for the next three days.  Dan is now fully recovered and the white has returned to his eyes.

Tuesday Elsa had a temperature that refused to go down.  She was the third winner of the positive diagnosis party this week.  She had a chest x-ray that confirmed she had a small case of pneumonia percolating in her lungs.  Antibiotics quickly cleared it up and she is back at it.

Somehow Mari avoided all the bugs, flus, and pinkies in the house this week.  According to Mari, "I don't have time to get sick."  She wisely avoided scheduling a cold this week. 

We are all well rested now and ready for a great week ahead!  Jonas and Elsa have started to notice that their birthdays are coming up and have begun making requests..."I want this for my birthday!".

Too cute! 

God Bless,
Mari & Dan "Big Pinky" & Jonas "Lil Pinky" and Elsa "I'll Cough it Out"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let's celebrate!

Jonas and Elsa had a great week of celebrations!  Grandma Jeanne and Cousin Kaelen celebrated birthdays this week.  It was a great week and great to share in good times with family!

Jonas and Elsa also had a big assessment this past week.  We haven't received the results but we were very proud of them.  The assessment is to determine their ability in gross motor skills, language, and cognition and is done for any babies born early that might need extra help to get caught up.  From the sounds of it, Jonas and Elsa rocked on many of the tests and overall tried their best.  Way to go!

Everyone in the house is a little under the weather this weekend and we are hoping that the change of the clocks will help us all get back on track.

God Bless!
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat!

A week doesn't go by without lots of fun and something brand new for Elsa and Jonas.  This year, we attended the Proctor (an area of Tacoma) Treats Festival.  Local businesses hand out candy and the shut the streets down to keep it safe for everyone.  We attended this last year but this was the first time that Jonas and Elsa were able to go up to folks and say the magic words, "Trick or Treat".  It was a blast!  Elsa was a bumble bee and Jonas was a Firefighter.

Elsa also got her first haircut!  She was a trooper and watched with awe as the stylist put a pink ribbon in her hair.  Jonas also got another haircut and he must have lost five pounds of hair!  Both look stylish.

We braved another trip to the pumpkin patch with our friends.  This time we visited the animals and saw the giant pumpkins!  Jonas and Elsa kept saying, "BIG pumpkins...BIG pumpkins!". 

This is our favorite time of the year and it is great to share every moment with Jonas and Elsa.  This week they have a big evaluation to determine if they qualify for a special preschool service.  We are very interested to see how they do!

God Bless,

Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hard at work!

A quick update.   Jonas and Elsa love to help around the house!  How great is that!  Enjoy the video of our nightly ritual of cleaning up after a dinner of Parmesan cheese!
God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Big hugs!

Elsa and Jonas had a great week!  They created lots of amazing art work at school and have been excited to tell us what happened each day.  It is a very exciting time as Jonas and Elsa have become really good reporters about what is happening and are able to use lots of words and sentences to describe things in their lives!  They are increasingly becoming independent and both are very often heard saying, "I'll do it myself."  It is very cool to see them grow and become independent--this also comes with a twinge of sadness as we realize that they are growing up and are no longer little babies that want to be held all the time. 

Elsa and Jonas do love to give big hugs.  They will squeeze extra hard and give a little, "Uff" while they hug.  These big hugs make any day a little brighter.  

Elsa and Jonas helped deliver dinner to the family of our friend, Ed, that passed away two weeks ago.  They got home and kept talking about going to Bernie's house (Ed's Dad).  It is hard for a two year old to conceptualize deep sadness but we did feel like they understood a little that everyone was really sad.

Mari and Dan attended Ed's funeral and saw so much love at the service for Ed, Laura, Jack, and Reece.  We continue to pray for them in the days and months ahead.

God Bless and big hugs,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas 

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Elsa and Jonas had a great time this weekend at the PLU Homecoming football game.  We are always excited to go to PLU games and Homecoming is the best because so many people come from near and far to a part of the events.  Elsa and Jonas were really interested in the humongous shortbread cookies in the shape of footballs, as well as, the actual game.  (They ate a little bit of the cookies and then the rest of Team Lysne had to help finish them--tough work:). 

Elsa and Jonas continue to amaze us with their language development.  This week, we asked Jonas if he wanted to do one of two different activities.  He looked at us, crinkled his nose, and said, "I have a different idea."  Elsa picks up new songs so quickly!  She sang Kumbaya and This little light of mine this week and sounded amazing!

We are still battling colds but otherwise it has been a wonderful week!

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Pumpkin Patch


Yesterday, Jonas and Elsa tried to recreate pumpkin pictures from 2010 at Spooner Farms.  We carefully retraced our steps from the previous visit and tried to get the perfect set-up.  This is where free will and lots of distractions interfered.  Jonas and Elsa had a great time at the farm and loved every minute of sitting in the wheel-barrow, tipping over pumpkins, picking up mud, and the hundreds of other things that one can do, if so inclined, at the pumpkin farm.  However, sitting still for a picture was not one of those things!  We had a blast and created new pictures that we can try to recreate in 2012!  Jonas and Elsa donned their Halloween costumes during the adventure to try them out.  Elsa is a bumble bee and Jonas is a firefighter.

Friday was a day off for everyone at Team Lysne so we decided to make it a day on.  We took our guitars and headed to the library reading time for kids.  Our local children's librarian had invited us to play during her book reading group.  We had a great time!  Jonas and Elsa love to strum the guitar at home and had a great time during the library gig shaking the egg shakers that were passed out.

Yesterday a friend of our family passed away unexpectedly.  Ed has two wonderful young children and wife that mourn his passing.  If you could find a spare prayer or twenty, please keep Ed's family in your thoughts during this difficult, difficult time.

God Bless and make every day count,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas