Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not feeling so hot!

Elsa and Jonas spent part of the past weekend at the Olympia Children's museum.  Wow. It was non stop fun.  This place is a palace of engagement for kids.  The kids had a lot of fun checking out everything.  Elsa loved the gift store the most (it did have tons of high interest things:).  Jonas loved the working crane.  We will post some pictures with the next update.  We topped off the visit with lunch out at a restaurant and everyone was happy.  Great times!

Today, Jonas is fighting a cold/fever.  He is low energy and just kind of resting.  We hope that we are all at 100% for the weekend.  We will see.....

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ukulele Baby


Jonas and Elsa had a great week at school and a great day with Grandma Jeanne.  That's right!  Grandma Jeanne is back to spending a day during the week with Elsa and Jonas!  They were so excited to see her and had a great day of learning and laughing! 

Elsa and Jonas like to get their "band" together from time to time at home to entertain Dan and Mari.  Their band is called, "Duck Chuck Holder 78".  They will announce a performance and then gather all their instruments and play.  Today they got ahold of a ukulele and sand a couple of songs.  We hope you enjoy.  They are not quite yet available on I-tunes:)

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reflux Redux


Jonas and Elsa had some planned medical work done yesterday and all went well.  Their GI specialist wanted to take a look at their esophagus, vocal cords, and stomach to see if there was any damage from their acid reflux.  We went into the hospital for most of yesterday morning for the procedures.  All went well and the kids were ready and raring to go afterwards.  The pictures looked good and there are some issues related to the reflux that we will continue to monitor and treat as necessary.  We've had some experience now with our kids having to have medical procedures done and this was the easiest of the bunch.  Not fun...just a little easier than past visits!

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas