Sunday, March 22, 2009

Oops...101 Days and counting...


We met with a cadre of nurses today and determined that, yes, you do count the day of birth in the day count. As a result of this discussion, I would feel remiss if I didn't announce that today is actually the 101st day for Elsa and Jonas at the NICU and ICN.

Mari and I heard from multiple nurses today that it isn't too often that parents are still smiling after so long in the hospital. I am going to attribute our high spirits to: 2/3 faith; 1/4 love; 1/8 cupcakes; 1/2 family and friends; 1/18 the latte stand in the hospital; 1/18 the latte stand in downtown sumner; and 1/2 all the other miscellaneous things that I am forgetting. Yes, the sum is always so much more than the individual parts.

Elsa had another good day. She is getting so close. She just needs to be a little more awake during feeding times so she can get all of her feeding via her mouth.

Jonas is looking good. Another good trial on nasal cannula and continued success with his CPAP. He continues to lose a little of the water weight and looks the better for it.

Both were joys to hold today. We continue to pray for more days of healing and rest like today.

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Jonas & Elsa


  1. Happy Birthday Mari! You have a lot to celebrate. I love reading the updates. Lots of love, Angela

  2. Happy Birthday to you, Mari!! I know what your favorite two presents are...Elsa and Jonas!! Have a blessed day. Love, Rachelle
