Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy B-Day!

The good days keep on adding up for Elsa and Jonas. Both are stable and growing.
Elsa is Ms. Consistent. She is sleeping, breathing, and digesting right on target. She is on 100% room air with no nasal cannula necessary. Her last hurdle to overcome is receiving all of her food via her mouth. She still has a feeding tube for when she is too tired to nurse or use a bottle. She'll get there! So close! She officially joined the six pound club today.

Jonas had a Bath-Day today. It was quite fun for Jonas and I. He had a constant look of bewilderment on his face while I lathered up his hair. Good times! He is now at 2 four hour trials on nasal cannula and is getting ever so close to full time cannula. Once there, he is a candidate for moving upstairs. Jonas weighed in at six pounds and thirteen ounces today...almost seven pounds.

Today is Mari's Birthday! She was able to hold both babies for quite a while today. What a great gift!

God Bless,

Dan & Mari & Jonas & Elsa

1 comment:

  1. So very happy and excited for you all. Happy Birthday, Mari. Six pounds for Elsa and Jonas. WOW! It's a great day! Thanks,again, for sharing your stories these past exciting and interesting times of your family lives. We watch with hopefulness, watchfulness, and prayers constantly on our lips and minds. We love you so very much. Cheers, Unka Don and Delores
