Sunday, March 29, 2009



God works in amazing ways. Honestly, it has been a little hard the past couple of days. Elsa seems so close to coming home, but she just won't budge when she is sleepy. There is no point in trying to get her to eat during those times, even though nurses and mom has tried. I think she might be waiting for her brother. It is also hard to see Jonas back on the ventilator after he worked so hard to get off of it and to see him struggling a bit with breathing. So after feeling a bit defeated, how wonderful to be uplifted by others and reminded that there are so many prayers being offered. Our family and friends have been so consistently wonderful on this long haul--how comforting to be nourished and supported by daily acts of love like feeding us, leaving us messages and helping clean the house! I think the part that really brings me to tears is that people we don't even know care so much. I received a beautiful gift from a friend of a friend this weekend. It is a necklace from Simply Silhouettes that has Jonas's footprints on one side and Elsa's on the other so I can carry a piece of them with me when we are apart. It was amazing to me looking at the prints because they are recognizable to me--Jonas's left foot looks bigger than his right, just like on the print from the hospital. And Elsa's feet look more slender than Jonas's. They are precious and it reminds me how far they really have come. God knew we (I) needed a little encouragement this weekend. We also received a card from a women's Bible study in Idaho. How lovely to be reminded again of the prayers and support. The sticker on the envelope from the ladies is Psalm 37:7--Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him. This is becoming my mantra. My Grandma (who also is a twin) wrote. The card said something about remembering that children are a blessing, even at 3:00 AM, and she wrote on the inside that she wished she could take off the part about 3:00 AM because of course we know our children are a blessing all of the time. She is right. And that is where my focus needs to be especially when this road is seeming long. Thank you for walking with us. I kept thinking that when the weather gets nicer and spring is here we will be able to take our babies home. Slowly it is coming. Surely it is coming. We hope and trust and pray that it is coming.

Please pray for Jonas to heal from his surgery and that he will successfully get off of the ventilator.

Love, Mari, Dan, Elsa and Jonas


  1. Mari, beautiful, heartfelt post. I was reminded of two things this weekend: 1) It's always darkest before the dawn. 2) As you already know, our lives endure seasons...and when winter feels the darkest, we can rest assured that spring ALWAYS comes. It always has...and it will come for you, Dan and the babies.

    You're right, so many people are praying for all of you. People you know. People you don't know. People nearby. And people far, far away. God has been faithful, and has heard our prayers. Continue to fix your eyes on Jesus, dear friend. I am sending you virtual hugs, and wishing that I could be there to do it in person!! Love, Kim
    PS-Your necklace is AMAZING! :)

  2. Dearest Mari and Dan, You share of your heartfelt appreciation for all the love and hugs that have been received. Sometimes, all we can do is lean in and hug. If enough of us are all leaning in, and hugging together, we can tip a tree over. We are all one in the Spirit, one in the Lord. Hugging brings us together, stronger. Man, am I weak, as I sit here by myself. God is in our midst---for us, with us, making us strong in the Lord. We continue to pray valiantly and continuously for courage and strength. Isn't your grandma COOL!

    Love aloways, Unka Don and Delores

  3. Mari and Dan and kiddos - Just wanted you to know that we're sending you love and prayers from northern Colorado. We've been "lurking" regularly on your blog and marveling at Jonas and Elsa's growth and development. Our couples group at church continues to pray for you all, and even Noah likes to ask us when your "tiny babies" will get big enough to play with him and Henry! We'll keep cheering for your little ones and praying that you're all home together soon!
    Chad, Amy, Noah and Henry

  4. Elsa and Jonas look so sweet in the photos. Thanks for sharing your heart. My tears are with you. You are in our prayers...and those of our Bible Study group. We're all praying. Thanks for sharing your words about "grandma" special!!
    Love, Jane and Ralph
