Thursday, March 26, 2009

Emergency Surgery

I arrived today to find Jonas being transferred to a transportation isolette. The doctors wanted to take a look at hernia and intestines via a special exam. The exam indicated that he did have a blockage in his intestine. The doctors decided to sedate him to see if they could manipulate the hernia to loosen the 'kink' in the intestine. After a valiant but unsuccessful try, the doctors determined that Jonas needed an emergency surgery. A whirlwind of actions then occurred, Jonas was placed back in his original location on day one in the NICU and sedated and placed on the drager ventilator.

The surgeon met with us and told us that this is one of the most difficult surgeries because of the frailty of the tissues in babies the size of Jonas. The surgery would be further complicated by the swelling that was occurring in Jonas. He indicated that there were three possible outcomes of the surgery. The first outcome could be that the surgery would be a traditional hernia operation. The surgery would only correct one of his hernias. The second outcome could occur if there was a breakdown in the colon. He would remove part of the colon and surgically connect the two healthy pieces. The final option would mean the colon was so damaged that he would have to route the intestine out of Jonas's body and into a bag. After signing the consent forms, Jonas was wheeled away and we waited.

We waited nervously in the surgery waiting area. While we weren't shocked at this development, we knew that Jonas would need a hernia surgery, we still must have looked quite tired to the receptionist in the waiting area. She went out of her way to show us around and get us comfortable for the wait.

After an hour, the surgeon came up and told us the news. The surgery went great. He said that he only had to perform the routine hernia operation and that Jonas's intestine looked healthy. It was an answer to a prayer. We were so thankful to the amazing doctors, surgeon, and nurses.

Elsa, sweet little girl, looked a little agitated when we visited her briefly while Jonas was in surgery. I think she could tell that her brother was having a rough day.

We continue to pray for Elsa and Jonas to heal and grow....heal and grow....heal and grow.

God Bless,
Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas


  1. Oh! Wow! Wonderful news. Blessings and thanks for medical miracles and caring staff. Thanks for sharing your incredible stories of the daily lives of Jonas and Elsa. You are indeed in our thoughts and prayers and hearts--today--- and always. Don and Delores

  2. Lake Lawrence Community Club continues to watch and pray for Jonas and Elsa, many good thoughts are being sent your way. Soon this backward step will be shadowed by Jonas's quick recovery.

    Lots of Love,

    The Lake Lawrence Community Club

  3. We will continue our prayers for more further healing of both Jonas and Elsa, and a speedy recovery for the little guy.

  4. Thank heavens. I am so glad things are progressing positively for your little ones. It's amazing how much of your life they take up - what did we ever do without them. My prayers are with you and your children. God bless. Jeannie Abbott

    Thanks for the blog updates. I love reading it and cheering your children on from Olympia.

  5. Goodness, emergency surgery. That must have been a surprise when you arrived. We are glad it went well. We'll be praying with you..."heal and grow, heal and grow".
    Love, Jane and Ralph
