Monday, March 9, 2009

Five pounds (more or less)


We are so close to it being official we are just going to go ahead and call it. Jonas and Elsa are five pounds! Jonas weighed in today at five pounds and four ounces! Elsa was a close second at four pounds and fifteen and a half ounces. Elsa celebrated this news by smiling at me multiple times over the weekend and opening her mouth like she was hungry whenever she saw Mari.

We are waiting to hear the results of a specialist's examination of Jonas. Jonas continues to struggle with acid reflux and takes a couple of breaks from breathing every day. We are hopeful that the GI specialist has some suggestions to help Jonas get over this hurdle. Jonas is taking Prilosec now and is back on continuous feeds in an attempt to help him.

Elsa just keeps on trucking. She receives her food either via nursing or a tube currently. We are still adjusting her feeding to give her the best shot at being successful. She now occassionally snoozes without her oxygen cannula in.

We are so proud of both of our kids! Each day is a victory and we love every minute we get with them. We continue to pray that they heal, heal, and heal!
(Pictures--the first two are of Elsa...the rest are of big Jonas Bjorn--Jonas doesn't have his CPAP oxygen on during these pictures)

God Bless,
Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas


  1. Five pounds of miracles--TWICE! Thanks be to our Lord. WOW! The Trucker and the Competitive Edge. You have, indeed, received blessings of joy from On High. And just pennies short of a "three month" celebration. Congrats to all. Such joyful news. Two beautiful miracles. With ringing applause we share in your exciting news. ...just...GRAND...BRAVO!
    Blessings, Don and Delores

  2. Haven't commented in a while, but we have diligently continued to follow the posts. Such an amazing journey of blessings and miracles. You all look so incredibly happy! Please Lord continue to heal these two cherished babies!!
    Amazed by grace,
    Jeff, Kim and Kendall

  3. Wow!! 4 to see them in the pictures. Jonas and Elsa look great. I love the striped t shirt:) I think he's ready for a class picture.

  4. Ohhh, so absolutely adorable--and chunky if I might say!!! We're hoping that li'l J builds some more natural tum-tums for his tum tum! Elsa looks like she's sawing some serious logs up there! Ha!
