Sunday, January 18, 2009

The two pound club


The mailbox had a special present in it yesterday afternoon. One of the envelopes contained two pieces of paper. Each paper was entitled "Certificate of Live Birth". It may sound a little funny to be so excited about government paperwork that verifies what we already know. Yet it was a cause for a small celebration in our family.

Both babies had to do some backtracking the past day on their ventilator settings. In the big picture, they are still making progress but doing it in, well, baby steps. Elsa and Jonas both received blood transfusions over the past two days which has helped with their blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and pink coloring. Both babies are now official members of the two pound club. Elsa has been hovering back and forth at two pounds, but I think it is safe to declare her an official two pounder. Next stop--Three Pound Crew (TPC).

Elsa is continuing to do well with her feedings and did not appear as jittery today when given her sedation. The picture shows her in mid dance routine.

A few minutes ago, we heard from a doctor that Jonas may have indicators of an infection. We know to never underestimate these things but are hopeful that the antibiotics that he is now receiving will help him kick any bug he might have. The doctor said that Jonas was looking good but they want to be cautious and take action. Jonas will be taken off his continuous feed until the doctors feel he has kicked the infection or shown that there isn't one present.

We received a prayer shawl today and take great comfort in the prayer attached to the shawl, as well as, all the prayers for Jonas and Elsa. We ask for continued prayers of healing for Jonas and Elsa.

God Bless,

Jonas & Elsa & Dan & Mari


  1. Dear Dan and Mari--It has been such a blessing to follow your story day by day. We are so proud of Jonas and Elsa for being in the 2 pound club--it must have been that kangaroo care from mama!! We pray that Jonas would stay infection free and that they will continue to take steps towards independent breathing. Love, Mulders

  2. Dan & Mari -

    This is Heather Johnson (now Linderman), Jim & Holly Johnson's daughter...My Grandma, Donna Westering, has shared your blog with us. I just wanted to let you know what we are praying for Jonas and Elsa and your family in this journey. A dear friend of mine had her baby recently at 30 weeks (at Tacoma General also)), so we are all too familiar with the NICU (they are now home!). Thank you for sharing updates and the daily victories. Know you all are in God's hands! Jer. 29:11

