Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kangaroo Care


Another fabulous day. I was greeted with an amazing surprise when I came to the hospital this afternoon. Jonas's nurse asked me if I wanted to do some kangaroo care today. There were some tears of joy and then about an hour and a half of being able to hold our precious boy for the first time. Kangaroo care is the practice of holding a baby skin to skin with their parent. It is a great way to bond, and not only that, a baby's temperature is regulated, and they tend to have a decreased oxygen requirement, longer sleep periods, and burn fewer calories. It's just a great thing for everyone. Jonas's nurse was kind enough to be our photographer as well so that Dan could see our time together. Jonas is down in the 24% range on oxygen and is up to 6 ml of milk an hour.

Elsa had an outfit on for the first time today. The shirt looks more like a dress, but it was adorable. Her oxygen is a bit higher, in the 50% or so range, but her blood gases have been coming back favorable, so that is good and she is up to 5.5 ml of milk an hour. She is becoming a bit more of a wild woman during her care times--she has been moving her arms and legs like crazy. It makes changing diapers and avoiding all the wires a challenge, but one that we are up for.

We are thankful for stable days and time for them to continue to grow, rest, and heal.

God bless,
Mari, Dan, Elsa & Jonas


  1. What amazing photos! I'm so glad that your little ones are continuing to grow stronger every day. Sending all four of you my love and prayers.


  2. Oh how wonderful! There really is nothing like holding your sweet peas for the first time. I am so thrilled things continue to improve.

  3. I got tears in my eyes...I am so happy for you! What an amazing day you've had with your babies. I continue to pray for them and you both too!

  4. Woohoo!!! We're all smiling here along with you, Dan and wonderful!!! The holding skin to skin looks so calming!!! Yeah!!! And I like Elsa clothes--cute hearts:)

  5. I love that term Kangaroo Time! :) The smile on your face says it all Mari!
