Friday, January 9, 2009

Four Weeks Old!


What an amazing day! For days there has been talk of changing out Elsa's isolette (this happens periodically, just to keep them clean) which would mean that she would need to be held for a small amount of time. Today it happened and I was able to hold her for the first time. Her eyes were wide open and looking at me the whole time. As my mom says, she just melts your heart. It took a team of three to make this happen, including a respiratory therapist who was "bagging" her the whole time while she was not hooked up to her ventilator. It was an amazing, special moment for me and I was so thankful to those who made it happen. Elsa continues to stay stable on her vent. Her PICC line clotted last night and they had to take it out, but the good news is that they are thinking she will not need it anymore. She is up to 4 ml of milk an hour, which means she does not need any additional fluids or nutrition. Again, amazing.

Jonas also had an incredible day. He was down at 29% oxygen when I came this morning and stayed in the 30% range for most of the day, AND he is back on the Drager ventilator, coming off the paralytic drug and doing very well. It was fun to see him moving around and getting rid of that extra water weight. His blood gases continue to come back with positive results. If he continues progressing well, the doctor said he may be able to be extubated soon and graduate up to using a mask for oxygen support. The steroids seem to be giving him a great boost. We are so thankful! Jonas also had a face tape change today. It was nice to see his whole face again for a moment.

Sadly, we learned today that our friend Aiden, who was also born at 24 weeks, passed away last night. Our hearts are breaking. Please pray for his mom, dad, and brother. It reminds us how precious life is.

God Bless,
Mari, Dan, Elsa & Jonas


  1. Great news for Elsa and Jonas! Praise God!!

    Our hearts and prayers go out to Aiden's family.

  2. Mamma--- You look FABULOSO my dear!! What a happy smile! In-cre-DEB-el!!We always see Elsa and Jonas smiling. Nice to see the smile on the face of their strong Norsky mother. Thanks for sharing your daily up-dates and your precious photos. Cheers, Don and Delores

  3. Such good news for your family! I am happy they are doing well...28 weeks and 2 days, wow! Time does fly with these precious ones. I am so pleased you are able to take and cherish each day. They grow way up so fast!

    Our prayers are with Aiden and his family; such a difficult loss.

    Hugs to you all!

  4. I am so happy to hear that you got to hold Elsa! And also happy to hear Jonas' is doing well too! Here's to many many days of cuddling for both Elsa and Jonas! :)

    So sad to hear about Aiden.

  5. What wonderful news, we at Lake Lawrence have been whatching and praying. Good news to report to all of the neighbors of your parents. We have included in our prayers the family of Aiden.
    The Lake Lawrence Community Club

  6. Thank you for keeping this blog. It's so nice to know how Jonas & Elsa are doing without being intrusive (for us that haven't seen you in years, but still care). Your family, and Aiden's are in my prayers.

  7. Wow, I love the picture of Mommy Mari holding Elsa!! And Daddy got to hold too. What a great day for Elsa and Jonas and Mommy and Daddy:) We'll continue praying; and for Aiden's family too.
    Love, Jane and Ralph

  8. What a great day for you mama Mari. Love and kisses to you, Elsa and Jonas. Here's to believing!

  9. Amazing Mari! I am so happy for you! What a day, what a blessing! Dan, it had to be amazing for you too to see your beautiful wife and daughter together. I will continue praying for Aiden's family.
    Love, Sara
