Sunday, January 11, 2009



There is not much to report (which is good news). Both babies go up and down a bit on how much support they need on there ventilators, but they are pretty stable. Elsa is up to 5 ml of milk an hour, which is the max for her weight, so that is very exciting. Jonas is right behind at 4.5 ml per hour. We are thankful for every day with them and continue to pray that their lungs will heal and they will be able to work toward breathing on their own.

The biggest news of the day is that Jonas got to wear some clothes! Grandma Jeanne bought them each a shirt and a hat. As I was washing the clothes I was laughing at how small they are, but of course they are still a little big. Elsa did not get a chance to wear hers today because she was needing more oxygen during her handling and it seemed best to let her rest instead of bothering her more.

Thank you for continuing to think of us and pray for us.

God bless,

Mari, Dan, Elsa & Jonas


  1. Good Monday morning to you all. And, especially to you, Elsa and Jonas. Happy BIRTHDATE! You are a grand, special ONE MONTH old, today. Celebrate with those new clothes that Grandma Jeanne made for you, and maybe you'll even be taken out for pizza, tonight,-- if Grandpa Paul will pop for the meal. A very special day to celebrate. Best wishes to you all--today, and for the next many years to come. Thanks for sharing all the good news.
    Cheers, Don and Delores

  2. Jonas looks so handsome in his new shirt and hat. And those tiny feet! How precious! I'm so happy to hear that they are both stable and doing well.

  3. Wow!! Cool shirt with fishies and anchors for Jonas!! Looks like Grandma Jeanne might have used her fancy machine. Glad you've had a couple good days.
    Love, Jane and Ralph

  4. I'm a friend of Trish's--in her ladies Bible Study-- where we are all praying for your precious babies, AND for you! I just was sent your blog and am amazed at how much Elsa and Jonas have changed!!! Mari and Dan, you are also amazing at your LOVE, STRENGTH, and FAITH!!You are such wonderful parents! It is awesome that you treasure each little special gift that God gives you. I will be praying SO hard for ALL of you. It is nice to have faces on the names! Thank you for allowing me to be included.
    Much love to you all, Lucy

  5. Dear Mari--I am so glad to find your famlies blog--what a miracle Elsa and Jonas are to you and Dan. What a blessing, although a little earlier than you planned. We also have twins, two boys--now 3 1/2, Benjamin and Bradley. They spent a couple weeks in the NICU. Through the ups and downs, we will be praying for all of you. God Bless you--I know that God knew just the perfect parents for these little miracles. Love, Rachelle Snowdon/Mulder

  6. Mari, Dan, & the Kids. I am glad to call them the Kids - it seems appropriate since they are starting to wear real cloths. Thanks for allowing us to share this life giving journey. Jerry & JoAnn Lejeune.
