Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Four Pounds!


Our little ones continue to grow. Elsa was 4 pounds today and Jonas was 4 lb 2 oz! We are so proud of them! Jonas wanted to let everybody know he made it to four pounds by holding up four fingers in the bottom picture. (Elsa is the top picture, the other two are Jonas. They are both in green outfits made by Grandma Jeanne because they are two peas in a pod!)
Both are working on holding steady with their temperatures so that they can graduate up to a crib. It sounds likely that it will happen for both of them within the next week. We are enjoying being able to hold them and interact with them a bit more. Although they are still supposed to be sleeping most of the day, they have been pretty alert during their evening care times lately which is fun. They continue to move up on their feeds and both are working on sucking their pacifiers during feeding times to begin making the connection between sucking and having a full belly. They will be 35 weeks (gestational age) tomorrow. We are told that between 35-36 weeks the nursing really begins to take off. We are hopeful this will be true, as getting the eating thing down can be especially hard for preemies and this needs to happen before they can come home.

Thank you for continuing to pray for our babies.
God bless,

Mari, Dan, Elsa and Jonas

1 comment:

  1. I love checking in on your blog. It brings a smile to my face to see your loving family. I'm glad Jonas and Elsa are making such improvements.
    Kelly Bermingham
