Wednesday, February 25, 2009



For so long changes came ever so slowly. This past week, it has felt like Elsa and Jonas have taken several steps forward.

Elsa continues to enjoy the intermediate care unit and her new digs. Today, she was weened from her 1.5 liters of pressure on her nasal cannula setting to a 1/4 of a liter setting. The goal is to put her at the lower setting but increase her oxygen to get her to a place where her lungs are stable enough to go home on oxygen (if needed). I could go into a much longer description...although I don't really understand it all...but suffice to say this is a good move for her. She is also up to 37 ml per feed. This is almost comical when I think back to her first foray at feeding at 1 ml per hour.

Jonas is now the proud renter (he owns one at our house) of a crib! He moved into it an hour or so ago. Such a big boy now. He also tried nasal cannula for the first time today. While it is too soon to tell if he is ready for a permanent switch, I can tell you he looked pink and happy on it. It was very appropriate that one of the very first nurses that cared for our babies was there to roll in the crib for Jonas.
We feel blessed to have these reasons for celebration. We continue to pray for Jonas and Elsa to grow and be strong! Thank you for your continued prayers and thoughts. (Pictures: Mari & Jonas; Dan & Elsa; Elsa & Dan; Jonas & Mari; The New Crib)
God Bless,

Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas