Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nose running? Better chase after it.

A long week in the Lysne household. Three noses were running like faucets. Elsa, Jonas and Mari were sick most of the week. Dan somehow missed out on this cold or at least hasn't caught it yet. When they are sick, Jonas and Elsa have a hard time sleeping through the night so there were some long nights! Today everyone is starting to feel a little bit better and energy is returning to normal.

Dan was proctoring a test this past week and the last question for the last student of the week was a written passage about the movie Born Free and about the lion named Elsa. He thought it was a fitting end to the week and remembered fondly the conversation with the first Nicu nurse that he talked with at the hospital about the movie and Elsa.

Both kids are learning all sorts of new things. Jonas can now knock and Elsa will clap your hands together for you. There are lots of other new skills too...those just happen to be the ones that come to mind.

God Bless!

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

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