Monday, September 20, 2010

Focusing in on October


Elsa met with her eye doctor again this past week and we have scheduled her first of two cataract surgeries. Cataract surgeries with young kids are a bit different than for adults in that they have to perform the surgery while the child is asleep and that the precision is a bit less. The doctor explained this by saying that hundreds of thousands of adults get cataract surgeries so the base for the math calculations is really good, whereas the number of small kids that get the surgeries is small so they don't have the wealth of knowledge from the previous surgeries as they do for adults. That being said, our doctor is the regional expert and as he put it this past week, "I'm 66 and could retire but I love what I do." We appreciate the passion! The recovery time for the surgery is month with eye drops every two hours for the first week and then gradually down to a couple a day towards the end of the month. We will be turning pro in eye drops.

This weekend was a flurry of events. Jonas and Elsa went to their first PLU football game. And what a game it was! PLU defeated Cal Lutheran, ranked in the top 20, with a host of big time plays on both offense and defense. Elsa loved the cow-bell that she got to wave for a bit and Jonas watched the game intently. It was a great outing and the kids got to see lots of people.

On Sunday we celebrated our niece's birthday. Elsa and Jonas hung out with a house full of kids playing and laughing. (Elsa didn't laugh as much--she was a bit tired). It was a great time!

We are looking forward to a great week ahead and are glad to have the surgery scheduled for Elsa in October.
Pictures: Elsa hanging outside of "Narnia" (hallway closet); Jonas with his gear; birthday party pictures. Videos: Elsa riding the horse (camera work was a bit off).

God Bless,

Dan & Elsa & Jonas & Mari

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