Saturday, April 4, 2009

Off the ventilator!

After a long week it is nice to have finally made it to Saturday. Jonas had the rougher time of the two but had a big win on Thursday. He was taken off the ventilator and put back on CPAP. He had a couple of forgetful moments during the evening and had to receive manual breathes but otherwise has enjoyed the change back. The surgery corrected one of his hernias so he still has some discomfort from the other side. We are hopeful though that he can get some rest this weekend and keep making progress on his breathing.

Elsa continues to slowly learn to eat. She had another sleepy day yesterday but is making progress. Since she has been receiving her feeds automatically into her stomach since she was born it is a little challenging for her to realize that she needs to eat to be full. But we are getting there!

This weekend, Mari and I get to stay in a parent room at the hospital. We are of the firm belief that this counts as a vacation! We will be 50 feet or so away from Elsa and just a flight of stairs away from Jonas. The hospital sets these rooms up for parents as the babies get closer to going home. What a great motivation!

We pray for Jonas and Elsa to know that we love them. And we continual to pray for healing.
God Bless,
Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas

1 comment:

  1. Hi from G Grandma Mabel and G Grandpa Morgan....We enjoyed seeing your pictures and learning about how Jonas and Elsa are growing and improving. We are praying for them. Enjoy your "vacation":)
    We're thankful for Jonas and Elsa's progress.
    Love, Great Grandma Mabel and Great Grandpa Morgan, Two Harbors, MN
