Friday, April 17, 2009

Babies on board

Elsa has been home for a couple of days now and the giddiness has not worn off. We still come up to one another and ask, "Hey, did you know we have a baby in the house?" Quite a wonderful feeling. Elsa has been doing great at home. She has been sleeping about three hours at a time and then politely suggesting that she be fed. Mari took her to her first meeting with the pediatrician today and all went well.

Jonas was promoted to the ICN today at 3:00pm. He is in the space next to where Elsa previously resided. He is on full feeds now and also takes 10ml via bottle. He has just had a great week. We are hoping that the estimates of three to four weeks are not too far off for him.

It has been a whirlwind week and we wouldn't have changed a thing. We are feeling so blessed to have Elsa home and to know that Jonas is making good progress.

Elsa and Jonas's great grandpa Morgan passed away yesterday. I had the privilege to play, and lose, a game or two of cribbage with him a couple of summers ago. While we are rejoicing for our kids this week, we are also thinking about great grandma Mabel and sending prayers to Minnesota.

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about Granpa Morgan. Our thoughts and love as sent to Grandma Mabel.
    Laura, Ed & Jack
