A day of potential answers for Jonas. We have been watching Jonas struggle with his acid reflux and general discomfort the past month or so wondering what might be done for him. The past couple of days, Jonas has been throwing up quite a bit and looking rather upset. Today, the doctors and surgeon made a diagnosis. Jonas has a term baby problem called Pyloric Stenosis. (I note term baby problem because it is nice to be considered a term baby these days--a big victory on its own).
Well, Pyloric Stenosis is the thickening of the muscle at the base of the stomach. About three out of every 1000 babies get this condition. The problem with being a body builder in this part of the body is that as the muscle gets bigger it cuts off the flow of food, saliva, and stomach juices into the intestine. Emergency doctors see this condition from time to time when babies come into the Emergency Department projectile vomiting.
The good news for Jonas is that this can be fairly easily treated. The doctor told us that in the UK babies would go on an IV for a month or two until it self corrected; however, in the US there is a surgical procedure with a relatively quick recovery. The surgeon will make several small incisions in the muscle and allow it to 'vent'. This will allow all the stomach contents to once again flow unimpeded to the small intestine. So tomorrow, at 11:00am, Jonas Bjorn Lysne goes for his second surgery. Such a tough cookie! We pray that this surgery will be just the ticket for making him feel better. The best outcome could be that his acid reflux diminishes and he is soon able to eat!
Elsa, not to forget about our sweet little girl, is doing fine. She is on a slightly modified on demand feeding schedule and is wearing a nasal cannula for additional oxygen support just during eating time. This has seemed to help her stamina the past couple of days, although she is a grabber and likes to take swipes at it during the feeding process. The social worker hinted that her release may be near. Perhaps next week!
Today was a long day but also an answer to prayers for Jonas. We pray that God continues to guide the hands and hearts of our babies surgeons, doctors, and nurses.
God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas