Sunday, April 10, 2011

March for Babies


The sniffles, coughing, and other perks of colds are slowly leaving the Lysne household. All of us have been a little under the weather at various points the past couple of weeks but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and most of us are back to 100%. Elsa and Jonas are real troopers and don't really let a runny nose or a cough slow them down. The same can't be said for Dan and Mari:) We are very excited about the upcoming March For Babies fundraiser for March of Dimes. It is the major fundraising event for March of Dimes and our team will walk 6 miles on April 30th. March of Dimes provides funds for research for preterm babies and other services that help prevent preterm births. We encourage anyone who has ever been touched by the gifts that March of Dimes provides to consider walking or donating to this very worthy cause. Our team goal is to raise $200 for March of Dimes.

For friends visiting this blog for the first time, our children were born four months premature and spent nearly six months in our local Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). We had various adventures and medical miracles along the way that we encourage you to read about in early blog posts. Our kids each weighed the equivalent of four sticks of butter when they were born. It is shocking to even type that now. With four sticks of butter though, you can do something pretty amazing things like snicker doodles, cake, cupcakes, etc... And it was the case with our Elsa and Jonas that they grew and got stronger every day and are doing wonderful and amazing things now!

We would encourage you to consider donating to March of Dimes and/or continue to support other charities that are near and dear to your heart.

Pictures: Elsa kissing the baby; car rides at Nathan's birthday party!; window decals from Grandma Kathy!

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

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