Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Days! (Who would of thought it could hit 90 in washington?)


A hot week is officially in the books. We had temps of the mid to upper 90's this week. Elsa and Jonas played in our one air conditioned room as we tried to maintain spirits during the heat storm. We also tried out an inflatable pool in our back yard--Jonas loved it and Elsa is still warming up to it (pardon the pun).

Elsa and Jonas both had some success this week with....soup!?! Who would have thought that warm soup would be a hit during the sweltering week we have just had. We will take it though! While I type this, Elsa is currently throwing soup everywhere as if to say, "I saw what you typed and I do not agree."

We had a great 4th of July. The adults were the only ones who couldn't sleep through the fireworks.

Jonas and Elsa are learning all sorts of things this past week. They are really good with the difference between "my nose" and "your nose". Little victories and big victories are all good in our house. They also were very interested with Dan's fort building in the living room. That is, until they discovered that it was even more fun to destroy the fort while Dan was in it. Elsa led the charge and within a minute Jonas was also taking running leaps at the blanket roof of the fort and laughing as it crashed down. Clearly we need to work on making the forts more structurally sound.
Pictures: Elsa & Jonas playing piano with Grandma Jeanne; fort destruction completed; jump rope; the pool. Videos: Jonas in the pool; operation fort destruction in progress.

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

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