The sun is out and the kids are almost asleep! All is relatively quiet around the Lysne household. We have had a great week...with the sun just starting to arrive for summer we have finally got the kids back outside for some fun in yard.
Our meeting with the GI specialist went kind of how we expected. Elsa did an awesome job and gained eight ounces even with a cold this past month. That being said, it just isn't enough. After lots of thinking and talking about it, we have decided to have a g-tube placed in Elsa's tummy to help supplement her daily caloric intake. The good news is that she can continue to eat anything and everything she wants. This includes but is not limited to blueberries, cheesy rabbit crackers, Alfredo sauce, and any crumbs from last week's meal that are still on the floor. This was not an easy decision to come to but we are determined that this is what she needs. My weak attempt at a comparison would be if your kiddo broke her arm you would get her a questions! Elsa needs some help with gaining weight...let's do it!
While this decision dominated the early week, once we made it we were able to really focus on having fun as a family. Elsa and Jonas love Dan's guitar and love Mari's book reading. We have had a lot of joy this week.
Pictures: Jonas having an allergic reaction to hummus (not funny--he turned bright red within ten seconds of it); Elsa asleep (I don't know how she fell asleep like that either).
God Bless,
Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas
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