Thursday, August 27, 2009

100 Posts!


I just realized that we reached one hundred posts. It has kind of snuck up on me. I took a trip down memory lane and looked at some of earlier posts and am really impressed with and thankful for our kids. They are quite tough! Currently, they are still practicing the motions for crawling and are getting ready to take off...

(Pictures: The family with Jenn and Joshua in La Conner; Jonas and his new hat; Mari and Elsa--Elsa was smiling but quit whenever a photo was taken; double wedges; Dan, Mari, Elsa, and Jonas in La Conner; Elsa talking; Jonas doing a knee slapping, toe grabbing, and back arching dance that reminded me a little bit of Chevy Chase in European Vacation)

God Bless,
Mari, Dan, Elsa, & Jonas

1 comment:

  1. Hi you guys. Yes, a MILE-STONE!! That's a lot of thoughts and feelings and sharing. Loved every single 100 of them. And, would be the first to say,"Keep up the communicating and the up-dates." Your beautiful twins are a magical gift to us all. We have prayed each day and thanked our Lord and Creator for the blessings of strength thru good genes and good medicine. Thank, again, Mari and Dan, for sharing your personal lives with us. We love you so very much. Don and Delores
