Thursday, July 23, 2009

Say goodbye to nasal cannula

We just returned from a doctor's appointment to determine if Jonas needed to continue with his nasal cannula. The great news is that Jonas received the green light to go without the oxygen tank! This has been a long time coming. Today is the first day ever that Jonas doesn't need supplemental oxygen!

Both kids met with the dietician to review their growth. Both kids continue to gain weight. We will teak both of their formulas a bit to see if we can plump them up even more:).
God Bless,

Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas


  1. Hip hip hooray!! Way to go little J!

  2. Thank you Mari and Dan for keeping all of us posted on the progress of your two beautiful children. What a great day yesterday way for you. We continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
    Mary Ann and Al Solmonson

  3. Congrats....Hope all 4 of you are enjoying your summer together.

    Carol and Gabby
