Friday, June 5, 2009

Rock stars and two month checkups


Jonas and Elsa went to their two month (adjusted age) check-up yesterday. The check-up is actually a series of appointmetns with various doctors, nurses, etc that evaluate the babies on their development. We set up camp in one room and the various people rotate in to see Jonas and Elsa. A rather efficient but long process to get some of the many appointments we have take care of.

Elsa did well considering she was pretty upset the entire day. We are keeping an eye on her reflux because it seems to cause her to arch her back and it was suggested that this may hinder muscle development. We were given some specific strategies to try with her and we feel really positive about her development.

Jonas. Jonas was a little rock star yesterday. One of the tests given was to see if the babies would track with their eyes and grab a rattle. Jonas, smiled, watched the rattle and grabbed it. The occupational therapist was impressed and labeled him a rock star.

All in all, both kids were rock stars yesterday. We found it very helpful to meet with the various doctors, therapists, and nurses to discuss their progress. Overall, both are making wonderful progress and we couldn't be happier!

God Bless,

Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas

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