Friday, May 1, 2009

No Place Like Home


I apologize that it has been so long since we have posted anything. We have been having so much fun having Elsa home and trying to juggle getting back to the hospital to spend time with Jonas. Elsa is doing great. She sleeps in her crib sometimes, is eating pretty well and really likes to go for walks and be held. The pictures show her getting ready to visit her brother at the hospital, sleeping with dad, talking with Grandma Jeanne, and getting ready for a walk in the beautiful sunshine.

Jonas has had an eventful week. He tried a couple of days without nasal cannula at the beginning of the week, but it didn't take and they decided he needed to stay on it for now. Jonas also got the green light to breast feed once a day this week. It is amazing to me that after four and a half months of waiting he still knows what to do and has done well for his first couple tries at nursing. The doctors tried to shortened his feeds from going in over two hours to going in over an hour and a half. This also did not take as he ended up having lots of spit up, so he is back to the two hour plan. This led to a study of his small intestines, which we found out today came back normal. They are also monitoring his thyroid to see if it might be causing him issues. It is a bit of a mystery why he is not able to tolerate feeds going in at a faster rate. So, we'll just keep waiting and hoping he will grow into eating well. He is growing big and is getting stronger all the time.

We are so thankful for our babies and for your prayers and support.

Love, Mari, Dan, Elsa and Jonas

1 comment:

  1. Sweet!! I love Elsa sleeping with Dan...looks very fun:) Jonas and Elsa remain at the top of our daily prayers.
    Love, Jane and Ralph
