The pumpkins are growing! Elsa and Jonas had their 4 year old check-in...and wait for it....Elsa weighs more than Jonas! They clocked in at 34 and 35 pounds...both safely on the charts and doing great! They both got a shot and there were few tears and proud displays of their band-aids later in the day.
Jonas saw his dentist this week as well! His teeth looked great and she was impressed with his flossing and brushing.
We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend and had a great time. Elsa got to buy caramel corn and Jonas got an ear of corn to eat that was bigger than his arm. Quite a great outing!
We also made it to our first PLU football game this year and were treated to a master class of football. The lutes downed an undefeated opponent. It was great!
Great times! God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas