Sunday, June 24, 2012

School is out!

Greetings!  The end of the school year finally made it!  Jonas and Elsa had a wonderful year of learning and growing.  We couldn't be more thankful for the teachers that helped Elsa and Jonas channel their hard work and determination this year.  Wow! 

Summer is here and Jonas and Elsa spent some time this past week visiting with our relatives Don and Delores from the great state of Minnesota (Where we have been told it is always sunny and 75 to 80 degrees).  It was great to spend time with them! 

We are now ready for the sun to arrive in the Pacific Northwest.  Today we caught our breath and just relaxed after being busy busy busy!   The pictures are of Jonas and Elsa hard at work on Sunday morning.  Elsa is making breakfast for everyone and Jonas is working with a pattern book.  The videos attempted to catch them playing with each other but it was 30 seconds too late both times.  Elsa kept spelling Jonas's name and then saying "That spells Elsa"  It was driving Jonas wild with laughter.  The cooking video was all fun and games until the end when a wrestling match starts to break out.  It is never dull at the Lysne house!

Jonas and Elsa helped Dan get ready for a song he sang at the last day of school.  They kept asking Dan when he and another teacher were going to sing because they had heard him practicing.  Then they started singing the songs too when he was practicing.  Too much fun...if you want to see Dan singing one of the songs (the link takes you to you-tube)....Dan singing

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Forward Roll and Forward Summer!

Greetings!  The end of the school year is almost here.  Jonas and Elsa showed off their hard work this past week at two functions:  An art show and A gymnastics demonstration.  Both were tons of fun and we are so impressed by their learning.

At the art show, Jonas and Elsa showed us all the work they had created over the past year.  It was great to see the fine motor skills at work here!  We all ate cookies and then Elsa and Jonas played with their friends.

At the gymnastics demonstration, Elsa and Jonas were great listeners and followed their coach's words most of the time. It was great to see them run, tumble, and jump.

Naptime came early after this event.

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Flamingos in the yard


Elsa and Jonas returned home from day-care yesterday and saw that a flock of flamingos had landed in our yard!  It was pretty funny to see their reactions.  Elsa immediately wanted to go inside to retrieve her flamingo puppet and then Jonas need to have his peacock puppet.  Our church does this as a fundraiser for the youth ministry pay to send the flock and the receiver pays to remove them:). 

We had a great weekend!  Elsa and Jonas went to their good friends 4th birthday party and had a blast.  Jonas got to play with an older twin boy and loved it!  Elsa had fun hanging with all the adults and singing happy birthday!  Good times!

God Bless,
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas