Sunday, February 27, 2011

Slides, Spiderwebs, Drums, and Teeth


The snow returned to the Pacific Northwest this week. Dan often over estimates the snowfall and Mari often under reports it. Dan said it was almost a foot and Mari said we had a couple of inches. You decide!

We had a great week--including last week's visit to the zoo (before the snow arrived). The zoo has a big play area with two super big slides. Elsa loved them! Jonas also checked them out but Elsa kept asking for more and more and more! The pictures don't capture her big smiles when she got to the bottom of the slide.

This week we are getting ready for what is hopefully our last surgery in a long time for either Jonas or Elsa. Jonas will be getting a root canal and a cap on one of his front teeth this week. Because of his age, he will need to be asleep during the surgery. We are really hopeful that everything goes smoothly and exactly as planned. Jonas has been playing with his teeth a lot this week and we think he will really like being able to take big bites once his front tooth is repaired!

The vocab keeps growing with Jonas and Elsa. It is quite amazing. We will try to capture their skills in the upcoming weeks on video! Elsa is often asking to "shimmy shake" (a wiggles song) and Jonas spent most of yesterday asking for the "" (he adds the dramatic pause between the two words unintentionally but it certainly adds something to it).

A local dentist provides a fund for gifts for children that have to go to the doctor a lot. His own son spent lots of time at appointments so he set up this fund for families in similar situations. One of the gifts we received at Christmas time was an "e-book" for Elsa and Jonas. It is called a v-reader and comes with a snazzy backpack. Jonas is really into the books (lots of animals) and Elsa loves wearing the backpack. One of the pictures below is of Elsa with her new pink backpack on!

God Bless,

Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Breakfast Turkey


Jonas and Elsa had a great week. They had some doctor visits this week and the great news is that their weight continues to be "on the chart"! Sometimes we struggle with how a baby born 4 months early is suppose to be on a chart for kids born on time with no adjustments but we are accepting that it is the way it is going to be. That being said, how cool is this! Jonas and Elsa are on the chart and gaining weight. Great job kiddos!

Over the past two weeks, Jonas and Elsa's vocabulary has exploded. It has been great to hear them, especially Jonas, talk up a storm. They are putting words together and really proud of their accomplishments. One phrase that Jonas has picked up is "breakfast turkey". The breakfast turkey, Dan, appears during the occasional mealtime and gobbles up food. Jonas heard Dan say "breakfast turkey" and has continued to ask for his return.

Dan, Mari, Jonas, and Elsa all went to book time yesterday and had a great time hearing a story, playing with a parachute, and singing ring around the rosies. Good times for all!
God Bless and Gobble Gobble
Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas & The Breakfast Turkey

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Conductor


A midweek update...Jonas loves trains & Elsa loves blowing kisses!

What a great week! We think that Great Grandpa Morgan would be particularly proud of Jonas and the trains.

God Bless!

Dan & Mari & Elsa & Jonas "The Conductor" Lysne


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mighty Elsa and Jonas!


Jonas and Elsa have rallied from their colds and are back up to 100% speed. They had a chance to attend their first basketball game last night at PLU. They were so excited! Mari was invited back to attend the basketball alumni activities and we all had a great time. Jonas and Elsa got to play with lots of other kids and they loved running around the fieldhouse at PLU (A giant room where the reception was held). Needless to say, Jonas and Elsa (and Dan & Mari) slept very well last night.

Elsa is really developing quite a love of singing. She will often copy us when we sing and she really gets into songs that she knows. Jonas is becoming quite an artist. He loves to draw on their easel! Our social worker from the NICU follow-up visits us from time to time to monitor Elsa and Jonas--she often bring gifts. This month she had Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head! They were a hit--they even had glasses!
Pictures: Jonas at WORK--do not disturb; Elsa and Mrs. Potato Head; Our contribution to the Tacoma Art Museum "Mighty Tacoma Display". Videos: Elsa blowing kisses; (others won't upload at this time...)
Mari & Dan & Elsa & Jonas