Friday was a big day for Jonas and Elsa. They had their follow-up eye exams to determine if they would need glasses or contacts. They both are a bit far-sighted but otherwise their vision seems okay to the doctor. This is such great news given that preemies can sometimes have significant sight loss.
Elsa's cataracts, the small white dots you might notice in each eye in some of the pictures, continue to be monitored by the doctor. He wants us to have Elsa evaluated by the regional expert that could perform surgery if needed. We are really pleased to get another opinion on this as more information is always better in our book. In a nutshell, if the specialist determines that surgery is required, a small possibility, then the lens of each eye would be removed, the cataracts would be removed, and then a corrective contact lens would be worn on each eye until she is old enough to have a lens surgically implanted (late teens). The more likely scenario would be to continue to monitor the cataracts for the foreseeable future and determine at a later date if surgery is needed.
After that appointment we were off for shoe shopping for the twins. Their first shoes! It was quite a fun trip and both kids are now proud owners of supportive yet flexible shoes. Nordstroms hooked them both up with their first balloons as well. To be honest, the kids were more excited about the balloons.
We have about two weeks until we meet with the GI specialist to make decisions about Elsa and a G-tube. Her feeding has continued to be really strong over the past three to four weeks and we are hopeful, but realistic, that she may have put on some good weight this month.
Overall, the kids are happy and playing and smiling a lot! Can't beat that!
God Bless,
Mari & Elsa & Jonas & Dan