The countdown to walking is getting ever closer to zero. Elsa has been spending the weekend practicing standing up and smiling. She then plops down on her bottom and repeats. Jonas took the weekend off from trying but he has been getting balancing reps in too. We can tell they are close.
It was a great week...not too many doctors' visits. Elsa and Jonas are trying more and more of our food as we eat dinner. This week it was pancakes! (It was national pancake day on Tuesday--we had pigs in blankets to honor it). Elsa, in particular, loves to try anything off of our plates. She loves pancakes!
With the sporadically nice weather this weekend, we were able to get several walks and some yard work in with the kids. It was great to be out and about!
We are keeping our thoughts and prayers with the family of the Tacoma teacher that was killed this past week. Such a tragedy.
God Bless,
Mari & Elsa & Jonas & Dan